In today’s world, the production and consumption of food is one of the major contributors to the degradation of the environment. In Japan specifically, the aquaculture industry that accompanies the rich traditional cuisine has significant environmental consequences that most consumers are unaware of. The most pressing repercussion of overfishing is the reduction of marine biodiversity, which is the catalyzer of the extinction of entire species. Furthermore, climate change is worsening due to the intensification of the unsustainable technologies used in the fishing industry. Currently, we may be looking at the demolition of entire ecosystems which not only have detrimental effects on our society, but undisclosed impacts on ourselves.
In order to combat this issue, our mission is to educate our audience on prevailing dilemmas in the environmental world, as well as providing our customers with potential solutions. By creating an impeccably-tasting menu containing carefully selected ingredients, we hope to inspire a more conscious mindset on minimizing our environmental impact. Individual choices during consumption can not only impact your local community, but entire societies through a series of chain reactions.
It is basic human privilege to utilize natural resources that we are provided with, therefore making it our responsibility to preserve these treasures not only for us, but for future generations to come. By sharing our menu of oishii dishes, we hope to provide you a window into Japanese gastronomy, to ultimately make you question; are you a conscious consumer?
人類の基本的な特権は与えられた資源を有効に利用するのです。それで、現在と未来の世代のため、自然からの宝物を保存するのは人類の責任です。この美味しいヂシー(Oishii dish) で、日本の美食法の新しい局面を提供して、『あなたは意識的な消費者ですか?』という質問で自分を聞かせたいと思います。